Monday, 30 March 2020



ZMO in times of Coronavirus


In order to prevent a further spread of the Coronavirus, a number of measures have been taken at ZMO: All public events are cancelled until 20 July 2020. Additionally, the library remains closed until further notice. Our office can still be contacted via phone or email.

All fellows at ZMO are now working from home and have shifted to virtual meetings and disussions. To keep you entertained during all those evenings at home, we are now publishing a "Pick of the Day" twice a week on Facebook and Twitter, where our fellows recommend their favourite texts, videos etc. from colleagues.

Tenders & Calls

Position as Academic Coordinator (m/f/d) for joint projects

Duration: as soon as possible until June 2023
Deadline for submitting the application: 15 April 2020


Position of a research fellow (m/f/div) at ZMO within the collaborative project “The Historicity of democracy in the Arab world” (HISDEMAB)

Duration: 36 months
Deadline for submitting the application: 15 April 2020


Doctoral scholarship in Amman (Jordan) as part of the research project “Historicity of democracy in the Arab world” (HISDEMAB)

Duration: 36 months
Deadline for submitting the application: 3 April 2020

Doctoral scholarship in Tunis (Tunisia) as part of the research project “Historicity of democracy in the Arab world” (HISDEMAB)

Duration: 36 months
Deadline for submitting the application: 17 April 2020

Call for Papers
Conference: “Land to the Tiller?” Hopes and Ruins of Agrarian Reform in Africa, Asia and the Middle East

12-13 November 2020, ZMO Berlin
Deadline for applications: 1 May 2020

New Publications

Silke Nagel, Alisher Karabaev
Kolonialismus und nationaler Befreiungskampf im Nachlass und Lebensweg des Afrikaforschers Peter Sebald


In: Heinz Peter Brogiato/Matthias Röschner (Hg.), Koloniale Spuren in den Archiven der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, Halle (Saale): Mitteldeutscher Verlag 2020, S. 144-153.



Juliane Schumacher
Hoffnung in der Stadt der Rebellion


Doppelrezension von Omar Robert Hamilton: Stadt der Rebellion, Berlin 2018, & Christoph Burgmer: Tausend Tage Hoffnung, Mainz 2017.
In: iz3w 377, S. 47.



Nitin Sinha
Who Is (Not) a Servant, Anyway? Domestic servants and service in early colonial India

In: Modern Asian Studies, Published online by Cambridge University Press, 27 March 2020.

ZMO in the Media

Between Welfare and Criminalisation: Were Domestic Servants Always Informal?


Article by Nitin Sinha
The Wire, 26 March 2020 



Mekka unter märkischen Kiefern


Heike Liebau im Interview in einem Beitrag von Christoph Richter.
Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 5. März 2020 




Auf Spurensuche nach der unvollendeten Zukunft

Artikel von David Leupold im Dossier der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung zum Thema «Spontánne Esperanto» und real-praktizierter Internationalismus im frühsowjetischen Zentralasien.



EMBATTLED DREAMLANDS (Routledge, 2020). Book talk with David Leupold.

David Leupold discusses his forthcoming book “Embattled Dreamlands – The Politics of Contesting Armenian, Turkish and Kurdish Memory” (Routledge, 2020) in an interview with Lilit Dabagian from the Berlin-based NGO NIDID.



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